måndag 7 juni 2010

Har vi ett nytt världsrekord från Luke Moffat´s sjön vid Dijon?

… Scar Caught At A Staggering 99lb
I know this is hardly a newsflash, as there has already been quite a lot posted on the forums this week about Scar coming out again from Luke Moffat’s Dijon lake at a mind-boggling 99lbs! I’ve held off in the hope of actually being able to present a photo of Ambrose’s historic capture, but nothing has been released yet. Before I go any further with this, I think it only proper that I quote Luke verbatim from his most recent post on
“Just to update everyone on the recent capture of the Scar at 99 lbs…
It was caught, and it did weigh in at 99 lbs…The scales are on their way to be verified at W&M..but I’m certain they are acurate.
The fish has gained 8 lbs in weight since it’s last capture 5 weeks ago, which can only be down to the fish taking on water just prior to spawning, which is part of the normal spawning process….I’m a bit concerned for the fish at the moment, and will feel a lot better once it has spawned successfully.
Hopefully we will get to see it again fairly soon, back at it’s normal spawned out weight, as it’s in a very delicate condition at the moment, and we can’t understand why it was even interested in feeding just prior to spawning.
I doubt if there will be a record claim this time, as my mate caught it while I was taking a weeks break in the South of France, and he has no independant witness, just his family…The fishes condition is taken into account too…if it gets caught again at a similar weight then thats different….But it’s his shout at the end of the day, so if he wants to claim it he can.
But look on the bright side of it…..even though it was holding water, it shows the fish is capable of supporting such a weight, and happy to feed too! so could maybe achieve a similar regular weight one day….but I think it will take it a fair while to do that though to be honest.
Ambrose Smith, the fella that caught it…..took a handful of pictures and got it back as soon as possible, he was quite worried about dealing with the fish with out me being there, as he was aware of how close to spawning they were…. I’ll ask a mate to post one up here so you can all have a look.
Well done to Am’ though…he caught the Scar and it weighed 99 lbs!…I understand it’s a new PB for him.
regards to all, Luke”In 1997 whilst on a round-trip of our fair continent, I bumped into another carper in Melbourne – who was actually the first proper one (carp fisherman that is) that I’d met since immigrating here, some twelve years previously! So you can well imagine the frenzied carpy banter we hastily exchanged in our brief meeting. A couple of things he said have left lasting impressions, and have lingered on in my mind ever since – though at the time I though he was just bullshitting me! The carpy tail he imparted with me was jaw-dropping to say the least.
To cut an elaborate story short, he told me off a 104lb common carp that had been netted by council workers, who were trying to clear a drainage channel somewhere in Victoria. When I say somewhere, that is because he either didn’t know himself, or that he was trying in some way to make it all sound even more mysterious. It is not in anyway an attempt on my part to keep the location secret – I simply don’t know. Quite frankly, I don’t care anyway, because I walked away from the encounter thinking that the story smacked of urban myth. It was about as believable as other legendary tall tales, like young couples having their car break down on a remote road, to then find an escaped mental patient on its roof! Yarp, yarp… heard it all before!!!
However, it has always made me wonder, do carp of that size exist anywhere, and if so would I ever see one? In January this year, a day after the world record was bettered by Martin Locke, with the “Steve Briggs Fish“, from Rainbow Lake, I wrote the following:
“I just made mention on the Australian Freshwater Angling forum, that when I was a lad fishing with my bent pin hook, homemade quill float and cane rod, a 10lb carp seemed like an impossible goal to reach! Now the 100lb barrier is getting very close, and will, if this is any indication, be broken in my lifetime – something up until recently I never dared to dream could be possible”. (January 8, 2010)
This week we’ve come to hear a fish exists a mere 1lb from the magical and previously inconceivable 100lb milestone! So it’s a fair bet that if either Steve Briggs Fish or Scar are taken when they’re really chockers with spawn, a “tonner” will indeed grace the banks in the not too distant future. Whether or not a fish caught under these circumstances can be deemed as being ethical or fair, I will leave up to you you to decide? My point to this has nothing to do with records; just that I still find it hard to grasp that carp of this magnitude are now in fact a reality. Though, with the bar now being raised to such dizzying heights only a fortunate few will ever come close to it. A meteoric rise indeed compared to when I first started fishing in the 1960’s, at a time when I think everyones sights were set far far lower.
Congrats to you Ambrose, that’s a PB that’ll be hard to top….

Louis Savage with Scar at 91 lb in may 2010.

Frågan är nu nog bara vem som ska bli den första som kommer med en 100 lb karp och om den kommer från Luke Moffats sjö eller Rainbow Lake? Det kan jo faktiskt finnas andra vatten med denna potential! Det kan inte bara vara Frankrike som har dessa enorma monsterkarpar eller hur?

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